Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What Else Do You Do?

Bill RogersIt can easily be gleaned by reading the title of my blog that I Play Computer Games. Considering I've chosen that aspect of my life to define and set the pace for my presence, you might further infer that I Play Video Games a lot. There's plenty of time to waste talking about that, though. For now I'll focus on the other things that occupy my time.

First I guess I should say that I spend my days in the office at Xponex Web & Media, slaving away in front of my keyboard producing video and articles for our local community websites MiddletownUSA and Main Street Monroe, as well as doing some general webmaster and forum administration type things. That only takes up the first part of my day, though. The rest of my day is spent making new pages, promoting, and SEOing our dozens of client websites. Not a bad gig all told - I personally can't find much reason to complain about a job where I sit on the internet all day.

My home life consists of yet more sitting in front of a computer, playing the aforementioned video games, marathon-watching movies and TV shows an entire series at a time, and the fairly consistent weekend out trip with the friends to shoot pool and do other sorts of things that twenty-somethings are known to enjoy.

Next episode: Why internet minigolf is better than most video games in existence.

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